What is exactly Highness? What sense of feeling does it give? What makes the fellow rascals from IIT’s & IIM’s to succeed in Life though they freak out 24x7. What am I lagging & what should I do to be like them?!?!?!? Endless questions rising inside me like tsunami and I wake up the very next day with a thought “Today I will definitely be like them & succeed” but that day never comes. Why is it so!?!? Am I the only person feeling like this or may be I am the only one talking this amongst a million folks. This confusion did not blossom yesterday or the day before. It’s wandering my mind since 1997 where I failed in all the subjects sans language, after all it’s my mother tongue and I know all the bad words in it.
What should I do now & what am I doing now?? Where can I try to be like them?!? Well, my mind literally became a question bank with the answer pages missing. Started to look for the solution n googled all night... Browsed the pages of success stories.. Listened to top notch advisors… Read the books “Three mistakes of my life”.. “Five Point Someone” & Planned to watch the movie “Three Idiots” too. Well, after all, will I be like Opal Mehta who tried to get into Harvard.. Nah.,. I know nothing about Success so I certainly cannot be Opal Mehta to predict something in advance. My zeal to be a successful man was still in the searching mode until I found the Mantra which happened to be a guide not only for the French Book but also for my unanswered questions.
On one fine day I stopped the search of other characters as I failed in all my attempts and started to live myself and started to feel the happiness. Just let the way life leads and enjoy the spirit of every activity. Tried to learn in the experience of my own life and started to love my life. Sudden highness in my thoughts and brightness in my soul and what was considered as a dream once is by my side today and what ever I thought of and dreamt is happening slowly. The only reason for this could be, I, me and myself. I changed myself, not artificially but it happened naturally and this natural change in behavior, attitude gave me the confidence to reach altitude.
Leaves fly in the wind, cotton wanders in breeze, papers and covers raise in the air. Not sure whether they are happy when they fly but I fly now as I am happy. I am flying high and high enough to the extent of saying I am not able to reach the Clouds as it is 3 feet below my legs. My mom said that I smile when I sleep., My brother said I became a crack-pot., My colleague said you are the only one to smile when they declared there is no hike for the current year & my best friend said do not show your 32 teeth all the time. Whatever it may be, who ever might say anything, this smile will never stop. My heart beats 72 counts per minute and for every count I reach one step above. When we are happy, we get the confidence of achieving anything in this world but remember Life is just a Roller-Coaster so anytime our landing is expected, yet smile & smile with confidence, your smile may take you for a second round of Highness!!!
Altogether, there may be Mondays & Tuesdays in your life but for me all of them are Happy Days…
- JAI HO!!